Monday, September 27, 2010

Legalism - Go deeper.

Scripture References NT and OT (in order of use in this post)

The question arose in class this week about legalism and what that term means. Legalism in the Biblical context is an unbalanced focus on rules and behaviors as a means to salvation. The Jewish community in the first century were highly legalistic in their practices and we see that throughout the New Testament. Pharisees tried to "catch" Jesus breaking all kinds of rules so that they could persecute him for false teaching (Matt 9:11-15; 12:1-3; 15: 1-3; Mk 7; Luk 6:1-11, to name a few). The pharisees got so wrapped up in piety (dutiful devotion to god and observance of religious principles -- Thank you,!) that they had no relationship with God. They had no heart for holiness, but only a daily to-do and not-to-do list that they checked off as they went about their business.

The idea that God is after a willing heart is not one that is exclusively New Testament. Genesis tells us "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness" (Gen 15:6). David was called a man of God's own heart and, as history would have it, became the greatest king Israel had. There is an interesting illustration of this idea in 1 Samuel 15. In this story we have Saul, the anointed king of the Israelites and Samuel, the priest and judge over the nation, responsible for the spiritual health of the people. God, through Samuel, gave the orders to Saul to completely destroy his enemies, the Amalekites, and, "...destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them. Put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys" (v. 3). Saul destroyed the Amalekites, but did what he thought the religiously right thing to do would be. He plundered and kept the best sheep, cattle and livestock for the purpose of sacrificing them to God. But he missed the command, "Destroy everything." When Samuel heard this his response speaks to this topic clearly:
"Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than to sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams" (1 Sam 15:22-23)
God wants obedient hearts. The sacrifice here is a practice that was created out of the disparity caused by disobedience! What God would have preferred is that Saul would have listened, as Mal and I tell our 4-year-old niece, "the first time."

The tie-in to our study in James is that we will begin to see much language dealing with behavior. James' message, however, is that we show the world our heart with the outpouring of markedly different behavior. The behavior must come from the heart and then be reflected outwardly. That's my challenge for you. Have a blessed week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Louie Giglio - Laminin

Great video if you guys have never seen this. Take 8 minutes and watch it. You won't regret it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Parallels between NT and OT

Here is the scripture used in today's post!
Today's post will be short, but I thought it to be very relevant to what we discussed this week. Sunday we discussed how the whole first chapter of James paints the picture that all sin is the same. At the heart of all sin is the desire to lord over our own lives and make choices for ourselves. That is the desire implied in James 1:14. As I was reading for my Old Testament class this morning I came across a passage in the text book that points to a very similar concept way back in Genesis 2 & 3.
"Eating fruit may appear innocent enough! But the action itself displayed something immoral below the surface: rebellion against God's command (Gen 2:17 - "...except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat this fruit you will surely die."). Temptation always entails a challenge to God's Word (Gen 3:1, 4, 5), which he speaks for our eternal good. God alone understood the full danger of disobedience. He always knows what is best for us." (Arnold & Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament, p. 83)
As we go through our weeks, we ought to pray for God to reveal the ultimate Sin in our lives and deal with it, rather than all the specific actions that grow out of it. That is surely a big part of the wisdom and spiritual maturity that God desires for us!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

EDGE Outreach Shoe Drive - October 2!

I've been talking a lot in our classes on Sunday about a shoe drive taking place on October 2. EDGE Outreach, has partnered with Shoeman Water Projects to collect shoes and turn the money from said shies into water purification for the developing world. The SWP website can say it better than I can, so here's an explanation from that site. EDGE is mentioned in the last paragraph.
Shoeman Water Projects is a ministry of Eagle Wings Ministries, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profitcharity, working to alleviate as much human suffering as possible and in the process, maximize fun with a splashing good time.  Shoeman Water Projects picks up donated used and new shoes year round from businesses, churches, schools, and shoe drives. Once collected, the shoes are given a second life when the Shoeman exports the donated shoes to retailers in the developing world. The resale of shoes provides jobs and affordable footware. Funds generated from the export of  shoes provides well drilling rigs, water purification systems, and hand pump repair mirco businesses bringing clean, fresh water to those who thirst.
Having partnered with Water for Kenya, the Shoeman has drilled 140 Kenya wells serving about 130,000 people. Edge Outreach of Louisville, Kentucky is also a charity partner with Shoeman Water Projects extending the water aid for those who thrust with purification systems and pump repair.
And a video from EDGE's site.

EDGE is having a multi-location shoe drive on October 2. We have been asked to run one of the collection locations . This is a kid-friendly service opportunity and should be a lot of fun for all! In order to prepare for this, EDGE needs us to come to the warehouse and sort some shoes (they have piles upon piles accumulating every day) so that we may know how they classify them and sort them correctly on 10-2.

In talking with DeeDee Hurt (the "Shoe Lady") I've come to realize that it is not necessary to volunteer every week for a month the way I'd originally thought. Instead, anyone that wants to help needs only to come to the warehouse for about two hours at some point before the event, just to get the hang of things. Here are three dates that I will be at the warehouse with whomever would like to come help out. Come once, come all three times, but choose whichever one works best for you:

  • Monday, September 20, 6-8pm
  • Saturday, September 25, 10am-12pm
  • Tuesday, September 28, 6-8pm
Please mark off Saturday, October 2nd for this unique opportunity to serve!